Holding your hand through your ascension to help YOU remember who YOU truly are and live your best life!

Welcome beautiful Divine Spark of Creation, Soul of Light, Love, and Divine Essence. My name is Joanne and part of my job here is to assist you in remembering. I don't like titles or labels, I find them very restricting, so I am not going to give myself any here.

I have been energetically aware my whole life, however, as life does, I spent 38 years of my life accepting other people’s labels, judgements and I was in perpetual pain not having a clue who I was or even knowing what made me happy. I was heavily medicated and miserable. In 2017 I was abruptly thrown into a spiritual awakening where I was freed from the matrix of illusion and I started to see beyond and into a different reality of freedom, joy, magick, love, wonder and expanding and never-ending knowledge and truth.

If you have been drawn to this website you too are part of the growing number of souls, awakening from their deep slumber to aid in the ascension of humanity and our beautiful Earth Mother Gaia. Thank you for bringing your light and for your Divine service to this particularly important mission.

We are all a team, no one is any better or any less than. We ALL have gifts, talents, abilities, codes, and keys for each other to aid is in this mission. My intension with all I do , is to help you remember what these are in a Soverign way. I believe with every essence of my being that we are now in times where we no longer need others heal us, to tell us who we are, what to do or what our gifts are. We all have our answers inside of us, the key is our heart space, it is from this space that we can access all that we are, all that were and all that we ever will be.

The tools I am using to help you remember come in all different shapes and forms, from a YouTube channel where I share my personal journey, to our Patreon community where we are coming together and growing as a soul family and team, supporting each other’s growth, to workshops where I share what has helped my ascension process and growth. MP3 meditation to download and work with in your own time. I also do one to one session work that predominantly help clear out the dark, stuck, dense energies holding anyone back, to make way for the expansion and growth we all deserve. However there are also mentorship sessions and a 6 month one to one I AM Power (empowerment) program which focuses on you gaining control of your reality and becoming the best version of you in every now moment and creating a reality which you are worthy of.

I also have an ascension shop - which contains items that I find helpful on my journey. I have created an energetic clothing line to assist your energy field whilst wearing them and last but by no means least the Dragonite I create.

If you are unsure of what is most beneficial for you at this time please reach out to me at my email: joanne@ascensionevolution.com

I look forward to connecting with you.

Find me on YouTube by clicking here